On-Page Optimization SEO Services Importance

On-Page Optimization SEO Services Importance

On-Page Optimization SEO Services Importance

Both On and Off page solutions are implemented to improve search engine placement. On page SEO is what you do on your own website and individual pages in order to grow the traffic. It is the first thing that every website development company should do when writing a new post or optimizing their websites. These are the factors we need to consider while doing on-page SEO.

Page Quality
Page quality has to deal with keywords and relevancy. It is important to produce quality content that contains the keywords you are trying to rank for and is relevant to people searching those keywords. This results into more people clicking on your page and staying on your page, which are additional on-page ranking factors. Your content viz. blogs, images, photos, videos should be relevant to the keywords as well as the current situation.

Page Structure
Be sure to include keywords and other information in Alt tag for images, title tag, header tags, meta description. Title tag and meta description are visible to users that appear on search engine results pages.

Make sure your URLs contain keywords and reflect the pages they point to, and also are organized with navigation in mind. This help search engines to help you. Also clean and clear URLs are also more likely to be clicked by users.

Internal Linking
Internally linking related pages on your website is another factor for on-page SEO, as this too makes it easier for search engines to crawl your site, and keeps users engaged longer.

Page Performance
The performance of your web page is also an on-page ranking factor. If your page takes a long time to load or doesn't render properly on mobile devices, users will move to other better option and exit quickly without engaging. Search engines can detect this behaviour and therefore use it as a page ranking factor. To maximize your page load speed, make sure to optimize your images for appropriate file size and have a responsive website.

Unlike off-page SEO, the above factors are in your control, so make use of them in right way.