Search Engine Optimization 210 top Ranking Factor's list-Part 2

Search Engine Optimization 210 top Ranking Factor's list-Part 2

Search Engine Optimization 210 top Ranking Factor's list-Part 2

In our latest blog "Role of Your Domain Name in SEO Ranking", we have highlighted some important ranking factors used in Google search engine ranking. Let's dive right into the more such factors now.
1. Keyword in Title Tag: Using your keyword/keywords in title tag is still considered as a positive factor.

2. Meta Description: Google doesn't use the description tag as a direct ranking signal but it can impact CTR, which is a key ranking factor. Finding relevant keywords in this part helps in getting clicks.

3. H1 Heading Tag: H1 tags come after the title tag of a page. Along with your title tag, Google uses your H1 tag also as a relevancy signal.

4. Term Frequency: The more often a word appears on a page, the more likely the page is counted in the search result for related topic but this is not true always.

5. More Content length: Google prefers the higher word count content in SERPosition. Shorter the content, more backwards the ranking.

6. Linked Index: Using a linked table of content can help Google understand your page's content in effective way. It will generate sitelinks.

7. Keyword Density: In earlier days, this was one important factor but these days keywords stuffing results into negativity.

8. LSI Keywords in Content: LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords in content extract meaning of words having multiple meanings. LSI keywords helps web spiders to understand the topic well.

Carefully designing you content considering the above factors will give you a successful output. So, keep these points in your point of view. We will soon meet with the remaining factors.
Last blog link is here - Role of Your Domain Name in SEO Ranking.